20-year-old Calvin Beason is released on his own recognizance after Memphis Police Detectives found him selling Ecstasy pills on Pope St. Thursday, in a make-shift drive-thru service while he sat on a milk crate.
Detectives Cockman and Murphy were watching individuals sitting on milk crates on Pope Street Thursday, and noticed several vehicles pull up to the area just in front of the individuals, roll down their window, and conduct what appears to be hand-to-hand transactions before driving away.
The pair of detectives pulled up the location, but instead of rolling down their windows, they exited the vehicle and detained several of the individuals on the milk crates, one of them identified as Calvin Beason, 20. A search of Beason’s person revealed 22 Ecstasy pills in a clear plastic bag in this right coin pocket. The Ecstasy did test positive for MDMA at 201 Poplar.
Calvin Beason was charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute, and released on his own recognizance.