Crackhead post, boyfriend’s infidelity leads to friends fighting

Robernika Knox

26-year-old Robernika Knox was charged with assault when she and her friend, Tampha Hill, had an argument that turned physical. Hill told Knox that Knox’s boyfriend tried to cheat on her with Hill.

On June 1, 2020, police responded to a fight call at 3875 American Way Rd. There, officers saw Knox and Hill fighting. After breaking up the altercation, police spoke with Hill, who said Knox gave Hill a ride to Hill’s home.

Robernika Knox (SCSO)

Things got tense when Hill confronted Knox about Knox calling Hill’s mom a crackhead on Facebook. Knox apologized and they two calmed down. But Hill then told Knox that Knox’s man tried to sleep with her about a month before. Knox went off on Hill, hitting her in the face repeatedly and slamming her on the ground. Body cameras were worn by the officers and both Hill and Knox refused medical treatment after the fight.

Knox was arrested and charged with misdemeanor assault. She is out of jail on her own recognizance.

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