23-year-old Onisha Malone was charged with domestic assault after she walked in on her child’s father with another woman in their house then hit him with a shovel in his arm.
On October 28th, Memphis Police Officer Garrison answered an assault call at a residence located at 2775 Windsor Parkway. Justin Black told Officer Garrison that his child’s mother, Onisha Malone, appeared at the residence and witnessed him cheating with another woman.
Officer Garrison reported Moore started a verbal argument with Black and then struck him on the arm with a shovel. Black stated that Malone removed her name from the lease of the residence, but it was not final. He also told officers that he did not expect Malone to return to the house.
Onisha Malone was arrested and charged with domestic assault with bodily harm. Malone was later released on her own recognizance.