Woman charged with setting fire to ex-boyfriend’s vehicles #BurningLove

38-year-old Natasha Coleman was charged with setting fire to personal property after she called the police, tried to claim ownership of her ex’s van, then set his vehicles ablaze.

On October 13th, the Memphis Fire Department was dispatched to 1973 Wynton Street for an automobile fire. Upon arrival at the residence, a car was reportedly engulfed in flames in the driveway. The fire was put out by firefighters who noticed the strong odor of gasoline. A call for Fire Investigator Washington was placed to investigate the cause of the fire. Reportedly, a substance was poured over and in the car before it was ignited.

Natasha Coleman (SCSO)
Natasha Coleman (SCSO)

Contact was then made with Eddie Jefferson who stated he saw Natasha Coleman, his ex-girlfriend, pour a substance from a gas can over one of his cars and ignite it. The fire on one of his cars was too large to put out, so he attempted to put out the other. Witness, Timisha Smith, stated she saw Natasha walking away from the burning car with a gas can in her hand. Also, Eddie stated that he and Natasha had a disagreement earlier that day about a van. Natasha called the police to Eddie’s house and claimed ownership of the van. The police told her that she could not take the van and that she should leave. Reportedly, she was visibly upset when she left.

Natasha Coleman was charged with setting fire to personal property. She was released on her own recognizance.

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