Disorderly woman uses a knife to keep her boyfriend from gathering his things

30-year-old Gloria Jones was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest when she attempted to lock herself inside of the house with a knife to keep her boyfriend from leaving while police were present.

Woman tells dispatchers that she has a knife and is “not afraid to use it”

feat Price, Heather

41-year-old Heather Price was charged with domestic assault after shoving her boyfriend and telling both dispatchers that she had a knife and that she “was not afraid to use it.”

Man ambushes lover in motel parking lot, kidnaps and threatens to kill her multiple times

53-year-old Laurone Jones was charged with domestic assault, aggravated assault by strangulation, and aggravated kidnapping when he ambushed his lover at a motel and drove her around against her will for an hour while threatening to kill her.

Argument leads to man’s attempt to stab and run over victim several times

57-year-old Walter Whitaker was charged with aggravated assault and resisting official detention after he threatened another man with a knife and then tried to run him over several times, per report.

Man charged with assaulting boyfriend with guitar during argument

35-year-old Paul Hall was charged with aggravated assault, felony domestic violence, and vandalism after a night of alcohol consumption and jealousy turned into knife threats and guitar beatings.