Naieshia Fitch assaults son with broken broomstick for not cleaning his room


36-year-old Naieshia Fitch was involved in a domestic incident with her son, Kyrius Fitch, at their Philsar Street apartment residence on May 7th. When officers arrived on the scene, they spoke with Naieshia, who stated that Kyrius refused to clean his room and was being disrespectful. She also said that when he refused to do as he was told, so she snapped, swinging a broomstick at his lower back.

Officers then spoke with Kyrius, who said he just wanted to go outside and play, so he asked his mother if he could clean later. Kyrius then claimed that Naiesha became upset and hit him on the back with the broomstick. Kyrius stated after this, he jumped out of his bedroom window and dialed 911. Kyrius then informed officers that Jerry Jones, Naieshia’s boyfriend, grabbed him and slammed him onto the ground. Officers spoke with Jones, who stated that Kyrius was being too disrespectful, so he pushed Kyrius a few times. Officers deemed Naieshia to be the primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for domestic assault.

Kasity Parker leaves child in vehcile after accident, claims he’s satan

32-year-old Kasity Parker was involved in a single-vehicle car accident that she had walked away from near Dunn Avenue. When officers arrived, they found a child in the backseat, bouncing back and forth in the vehicle. Officers found a utility bill with Parker’s name and address in the glove box. Officers arrived at an apartment near Mimosa Avenue and located Parker, who stated that she went into a store, and someone stole the vehicle that the juvenile was in. Parker then stated numerous different locations from which the car was stolen. Parker claimed she did not know the juvenile but also told officers that it was her brother’s baby and not hers. Parker then claimed that she could read the minds of humans and dogs and hear voices sometimes. Parker also stated the child’s name was Satan and that she gets weak around the child. Showing signs of mental illness, officers took her into custody for child abuse and neglect on April 21st.

Woman charged with child abuse after night of drinking at Bahama Breeze

32-year-old Kimberly Glover was charged with child abuse, assault, DUI, reckless driving, and disorderly conduct after coming home from drinking, getting into an argument with her husband, and leaving in her car with her 6-week-old son.

Man pins down pregnant girlfriend with a shotgun

41-year-old Michael Webb was charged with child abuse and aggravated assault after he bruised his lover, who was seven months pregnant, over an argument about another girl.

Two juveniles found at Dollar General, says their father makes them perform oral sex on him

28-year-old Dallas Hogue was charged with the rape of a child and 28-year-old Mortiana Stewart was charged with child abuse and neglect after two of their children ran away and were found at Dollar General, who told police their father makes them perform oral sex on him.

Father strangles mother and hits 9-year-old son in the face

29-year-old Martavious Payne was charged with domestic assault, aggravated assault, and child abuse when he began arguing with the mother of his 9-year-old son then assaulted them by strangling her and hitting him in the face.

Memphis man drives erratically into oncoming traffic with 2-year-old son in the front seat

29-year-old William Smith was charged with child endangerment and reckless driving after officers spotted him driving erratically and swerving into oncoming traffic with his 2-year-old son in the front seat with only a seat belt on.

Women charged after assaulting firefighters, policemen, and throwing daughter to dogs

33-year old Vatasha Gray was charged with disorderly conduct, aggravated assault, and resisting official detention while 35-year-old Vernicka Gray was charged with domestic assault and child abuse stemming from a Christmas Eve incident. Both women were picked up after police were called to a disturbance where they were assaulting firefighters.