Woman blows .194 after crashing her car

feat Brown Kim

62-year-old Kim Brown was charged with driving under the influence, open container, public intoxication, and reckless driving after she wrecked her Honda CRV with a bottle of Southern Comfort whiskey in the center console.

Man charged after urinating on Checker’s freezer door when told to leave

feat Allen Corry

41-year-old Corry Allen was charged with aggravated assault after he threatened to cut the manager of Checkers with a box cutter if she didn’t let him use the restroom.

Man breaks girlfriend’s phone then follows her to a friend’s house to apologize

39-year-old Curtis Rocquemore was charged with domestic assault after his girlfriend called the police on him for breaking her phone but then refused to prosecute.

Man cuts girlfriend with shard of glass over accusations of infidelity

26-year-old Sean Toohy was charged with domestic assault after he pushed his girlfriend and cut her with a piece of a broken mirror when he accused her of infidelity.

Woman attacks boyfriend with flying fruit while arguing about their baby

21-year-old Jennifer Jones was charged with domestic assault after she threw an orange at her boyfriend during an argument about their baby.

Man charged after accusing police of disrespecting his wife

27-year-old Rodrick Hopkins was charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication after he accused the police of disrespecting his wife while they attempted to arrest someone else.

Wife gets clothes thrown at face and strangled over an argument about food

33-year-old Donnell Boyd was charged with assault after he strangled his wife until she was nearly unconscious over an argument about food that he removed from the bedroom.

Man admits to putting hands on girlfriend but insists it was non-violent

feat Williams Thomas

24-year-old Thomas Williams was charged with domestic assault after he reportedly pushed and strangled his girlfriend and would not allow her to leave.

Man busts girlfriend’s head into TV for going through his phone

36-year-old Byron Watkins was charged with domestic assault and vandalism after he flipped over his ex-girlfriend’s tables and smashed her head into a TV for going through his phone.

Masturbating man locks eyes with woman parked next to him at Kroger

35-year-old Daniel McGee was charged with indecent exposure after he masturbated in his car and showed off his genitals to a woman parked next to him.